
Inclement Weather Arrangement
If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above, Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or "Extreme Conditions"* is still in effect at or after 6:30 a.m. on the day of the event, the event will be cancelled on that day.
*In the case where a Super Typhoon or other natural disasters of a substantial scale seriously affects the working public to resume work or bring safety concern for a prolonged period, such as large-scale power outage, extensive fallen windows from high-rises leading to dangerous streetscape, major landslides, extensive flooding, widespread serious obstruction of public transport services, etc., if situation warrants, the Government will decide whether it is necessary to make a territory-wide “extreme conditions” announcement.
Please contact us at 3480 3630 or email to [email protected] for enquiries.
Remark: Drinking water is available in the venue. Please bring your own water bottle.