Competition Details

Competition Details

Design theme

Manhole covers featuring the characteristics of 18 Districts in Hong Kong
Each entry can only feature the characteristics of one district as the design concept


  • To enhance citizens’ understanding to the work of the DSD
  • To encourage citizens to participate in the design of manhole cover for jointly beautifying the city
  • To enrich tourism elements, and make Hong Kong a more fun and colourful city

Eligibility Requirement

Hong Kong residents

Rules and Eligibility


Personal information collection statement

The personal information is provided by the participants on a voluntary basis. The information will only be used for participating in relevant activities held by the Drainage Services Department. The information will only be provided to the persons handling the applications and used for purposes of review, contact, and other related purposes. If the participants have any inquiries or would like to change the submitted personal information, please contact our staff via email ([email protected]). If the participants fail to provide sufficient, accurate and clear information, we may not be able to process the application.

Reference website

Please contact us at 3480 3630 for any enquiries.